Friday, February 22, 2013

Old School

In the Beginning, There Were 

Video Games!

"At Least That's What I Remember."


As far back as I can remember, there has always been video games in my life.  It all began with the oldie but a goodie, Colecovision.  I remember waking up at three in the morning and seeing the soft glow of the TV coming from the living room.  As I peeked my head out of my bedroom door and creeped down the hallway, I would arrive in the living room to find my Dad sitting in the chair.  There on the TV was the most wondrous thing I had ever seen, Mr. Do's Castle.  We would sit and play that game for hours, all the while trying to be as quiet as possible so that Mom wouldn't come out and bust us.  Now for those of you that don't remember Mr. Do's Castle, check out this image below.

The whole point of this game was to run up and down ladders, avoid baddies, and knock the blocks out with a hammer possibly crushing one of the baddies below you.  Compared to today games it sounds pretty lame, doesn't it? Well, back then I thought it was the greatest thing I had ever seen! Eventually, the times changed and Nintendo came along.  My Dad ended up buying one "for me", I say this sarcastically because it was really for him.  I had all kinds of awesome games for it like Goonies, Excitebike, Duck Hunt, and of course Super Mario Bros.  My Dad got himself one game, Ultima.  This was one of the first RPGs I had ever seen and I thought it was the most boring game in the history of gaming at that time, (of course my view has changed greatly about RPGs now).  My Dad would play that game for hours on end. I remember constantly begging him to let me play one of my games all the time. Eventually he would finally let me play, and once again I was amazed at the graphics and sounds of these now obsolete games.  Entertained for hours as the pixels danced across the screen, I knew then and there that I would be a Gamer for the rest of my life
 What about y'all? What is the first game you can remember playing? Leave your answer in the comment box and let's see what the most popular first game was.  I hope you enjoyed this piece as hopefully it will be the first of many.  Eventually I hope to have my own gaming site online with reviews and what not.  We shall see how this goes first.  Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and I will be seeing you guys soon.  Keep gaming gamers!

Looking to expand your old school game collection? Click here to check out The Colecovision Buyer's Guide!

Wanna know a little more about me? Click here and I'll tell ya'!


  1. For me it started with contra and Mario. Mario specially, Mr. Lougie changed the whole point of view of mine towards gaming. Till then I am a great gaming geek :) and its getting to its core day by day.

    1. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start!
